Population trends

Age pyramid

Evolution in Switzerland

Evolution of the cow population in Switzerland

Evolution in Switzerland and abroad

Evolution by canton

Evolution by agricultural zones

Evolution by sex

Evolution by type of use

Evolution by breed


Births by canton

Births by breed

Births by sex

Births by type of use

Births by type of use and sex

Distribution of births

Gestation type


Stillbirths by sex

Stillbirths by type of use

Stillbirths by type of use and sex


Summering by age

Summering by canton

Summering by sex

Summering by type of use

Losses during summering

Losses during summering by canton

Births during summering

Births during summering by canton

Age of cows at first calving

Calving interval

Age of cows at last calving

Number of calvings per cow

Herd life

Length of productive life

Age of cows at slaughter

Live weights of cows presented at public markets for fatstock

Slaughter weights of cows

Beefiness of cows

Fattiness of cows

Evolution of beefiness