Names of the females

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Ranking of top names given to registered and living bovine females by language region. The majority of all names appear only once and do not make it into the top 10.
Language Name Rank by language Total by language Rank overall Total overall
DE Bella 1 3862 1 4457
FR Bella 1 553 1 4457
IT Bella 3 39 1 4457
DE Fiona 2 2846 2 3166
IT Fiona 5 32 2 3166
DE Bianca 4 2623 3 2975
IT Bianca 4 34 3 2975
DE Sina 3 2790 4 2875
DE Tina 6 2424 5 2794
IT Tina 6 31 5 2794
FR Tina 10 339 5 2794
DE Nora 5 2431 6 2682
IT Nora 9 28 6 2682
IT Luna 1 57 7 2640
DE Luna 7 2344 7 2640
FR Nina 8 342 8 2614
DE Nina 9 2247 8 2614
DE Belinda 8 2331 9 2541
IT Diana 8 29 10 2444
DE Diana 10 2156 10 2444
IT Mia 9 28 15 2222
IT Stella 2 40 33 1751
FR Iris 6 364 57 1370
FR Lola 7 346 118 987
IT Perla 7 30 270 613
FR Vanille 3 407 281 584
FR Tulipe 2 441 315 529
FR Etoile 5 385 318 525
FR Noisette 4 391 368 465
FR Cerise 9 341 451 394